Andy Kerr

Conservationist, Writer, Analyst, Operative, Agitator, Strategist, Tactitian, Schmoozer, Raconteur

Counties & Federal Lands

Closing the Disconnect Between Voter Attitudes and Public Lands Conservation in the West

Closing the Disconnect Between Voter Attitudes and Public Lands Conservation in the West

While most Mountain Westerners favor the conservation of public lands, most of their elected officials are either openly hostile or passively wimpy. Conservation organizations need to rethink its nonprofit status to allow effective legislative and political engagement. Now.

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Malheur County Federal Land Legislation Take 4, Part 2: The Ugly, the Missing, and the Alternative

Malheur County Federal Land Legislation Take 4, Part 2: The Ugly, the Missing, and the Alternative

If the recommended critical tweaks are made to remove the ugly parts (grazing “rights” and further exaltation of livestock grazing in wilderness areas) of S.1890, the Senate and the House of Representatives should pass the bill and the president should sign it into law.

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Malheur County Federal Land Legislation Take 4, Part 1: The Good, the Whatever, and the Bad

Malheur County Federal Land Legislation Take 4, Part 1: The Good, the Whatever, and the Bad

With a few critical tweaks, Senator Wyden’s legislation could be a net gain for the conservation of nature for the benefit of this and future generations. Without those tweaks, the bill as drafted is an existential threat to the conservation of federal public lands and should not be enacted into law.

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Book Review: Our Common Ground: A History of America’s Public Lands

Book Review: Our Common Ground: A History of America’s Public Lands

Understanding the history of public lands is useful if one is to be the best advocate for the conservation of public lands.

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L’Affaire Malheur, Part 2: Backstory and Analysis

L’Affaire Malheur, Part 2: Backstory and Analysis

Malheur means adversity, misfortunate, and/or tragedy, and I believe Senator Ron Wyden’s proposed Malheur Community Empowerment for the Owyhee Act (S.2828) can indeed be characterized as such.

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